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Ashton Art Group is a small friendly group of artists based in Ashton-In-Makerfield.  It is a lively amateur art society and open to all artists and would-be artists from both Ashton and the surrounding areas.  We meet each Tuesday from 8.00-10.00pm in the Community & Childcare Centre formerly the YMCA Building on Hilton Street.  There are always somebody in this friendly and social group who is willing to give support and advice when you need it.

New members aged 16 and over, experienced artists and complete beginners are equally welcome.  There are no entry qualifications other than an interest in art. 

We run a wide variety of activities ranging from still life, portraiture, and life drawing throughout the year which gives members old and new a chance to try out new skills.


If you are interested in developing your artistic skills in the company of a lively and friendly group of fellow artists then why not drop in on a Tuesday evening and see what we get up to.  Alternatively, if you would like to know any further information just send us a message in the box below or message us via our Facebook page.

Guests can pay for the first two weeks £4, after two weeks if you wish to continue we would expect you to pay the annual subs which is £30.

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